Rockie Fella, hailing from Sunyani, Ghana, discovered his passion for music at a young age. He began his musical journey with a distinctive flair as a...
Seaxon is a Ghanaian musical duo formed in 2021, composed of Samuel Kojo Adusei, popularly known as De Banks and Isaac Frimpong Junior, popularly known as...
The 2024 edition of the Guinness Ghana DJ Awards has been officially inaugurated. The launch, which took place at the Multimedia Group Limited premises on...
3Music Awards is back with a big bang! Organizers of the prestigious 3Music Awards, 3 Media Networks have announced the return of the awards scheme with...
Jamaican Artist TheSubstance continues to make waves with his powerful new single, “Black Skin.” Released on February 14th, this captivating track serves as a love song...
Rising Ghanaian musician Jo-El Sii has recently unveiled his highly anticipated new single titled “Waiting.” This captivating love anthem, written by Jo-El Sii himself, showcases his...
Multiple award-winning Highlife musician Bisa Kdei has released visuals for his nostalgic single titled “Medaase.” The song which was released in March 2024, has garnered massive...
Emerging Ghanaian artist Asomacy has secured a deal with Sony Music West Africa through The Pep Entertainment (TPE). The development was made public on Thursday...
Acclaimed host and worship leader, Sampson Kofi Arthur, is gearing up to host the third edition of his beloved event, “Praise Him”, on August 18th. This...
Rotimi Mustapha, professionally known as “Swagzi,” is a talented Nigerian singer and songwriter hailing from the vibrant city of Lagos. Since the age of 13, Swagzi...