In less than a year, Sylvia Efua Davis has taken the Ghallywood film industry by storm, featuring in multiple films and solidifying her position as a...
“Hacks” and “Shōgun” won big at the 2024 Emmy Awards as the best in television was honoured Sunday night. FX’s “The Bear” came into the...
Samson Erejuwa, aka Sammy D Mechanic, is a name that’s been making waves in the entertainment industry. With his impressive performances in movies like “Men of...
Exciting news has emerged from the blogging community as renowned blogger, Ebenezer Awusi popularly known as Eaziman, is set to tie the knot with his lovely...
Ghanaian music fans are in for a treat as Bra Desmond, a talented artist from Bogoso, has hinted at a new single featuring the rising star...
The highly anticipated single “Let’s Dance” by Nigerian Afrobeat star Flavour, featuring South African music icon Oskido and the legendary Brazilian drumming ensemble Olodum, is now available. Taken from the One...
Gospel musician Nhyira Hemaa won the “Diaspora Gospel Song Of the Year at the third edition of the Ghana Music Awards Europe (GMAE). The Ghana Music...
In a world where brokenness and imperfection are often stigmatized, Joseph Peter Brown MUSIC is proud to present the JESUS REVEALED PROJECT, a revolutionary worship and...
Takoradi is set to come alive with an electrifying celebration of music as the prestigious Medimafo Western Music Awards (WMA) returns for its 2024 edition. Scheduled...
“Feast Of Worship”, The annual concert put together by Awesome Vox Crew (AVC), a Ghanaian gospel music group based in Bogoso, a town in the Western...