Entertainment3 years ago
Highlife Legend AB Crentsil Reported Dead
A tragic news states that AB Crentsil, one of Ghana’s greatest highlife artists, has passed away. He apparently passed away on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. At the time of this report, there were no details available about his passing, but you can rely on us to keep you informed as new information becomes available. However, acclaimed and award-winning Ghanaian disc jockey DJ BIBINI acknowledged his passing on the well-liked microblogging website, Twitter. He was born in 1943, and his real name is Alfred Benjamin Crentsil. He is regarded as one of the “big three” modern vocalists from Ghana. He has won various Ghanaian music accolades throughout his career, including the Fontomfrom Evergreen Award, a particular honor given to a singer with 15 to 20 years of nonstop music-making. I Go Pay You Tomorrow, Papa Samo, Moses, Juliana, Atia, Angelina, Ayen, Devil, Adwoa, Adam & Eve, and a number of other songs are examples of his work.